Att hitta hem
En musikalisk interaktiv barnföreställning baserad på en saga av Rabbi Nachman
”Att Hitta Hem” är löst baserad på ”Sagan om de tre fattiga” – en gammal judisk saga som publicerades i en samling av Judiska mystiska berättelser. Under föreställningens interaktiva stunder kommer barnen, tillsammans med tre mystiska kvinnor, att använda kreativa goda gärningar för att trösta och uppmuntra en pojke som har förlorat sitt hem när hans by brann ner.
Musiken är föreställningens huvudsakliga uttrycksmedel och innehåller, bland annat, klezmer-motiv.

Elias Faingersh – trombon, live elektronik, berättaren
Josef Faingersh (barn) – huvudroll, oboe, röst.
Koncept, text, dramaturgi och bildprojektioner: Keren Klimovsky
Musik och regi: Elias Faingersh
Föreställningen utvecklades på Stenkrossen och Barnens Scen och hade premiär i september 2024 på Barnens Scen (Malmö).
Med stöd från: Malmö Stad, Lunds kommun, Region Skåne, Kulturrådet
An interactive, musical puppet/object theater show

What if Lewis Caroll wrote “The Little Red Riding Hood” and then made a musical theater show out of it? “The Long Way” is our answer to that question. We all know that Little Red Riding Hood chose the long way to her grandmother’s house. But maybe the way was not actually that long, maybe it only seemed long, since the little girl was distracted of the woods’ secrets and mystical creatures? What adventures awaited her in the forest and whom did she meet? We let the kids decide! In this playful show loosely based on the famous fairy tale, we allow our imagination go wild and encourage the children to use their ability of transforming everyday reality into magical, wondrous landscapes. After we have established the frame of the familiar fairy tale, we invite the audience on a fantastic and unpredictable journey. Everything is possible, the only limit is our own imagination.
The show premiered in November, 2022 at Barnens Scen (Malmo).
Recommended age: 4-9
Starring – Elias Faingersh (trombone, narrator)
Music composition – Elias Faingersh
Director – Matthias Hahne Thornbjönsson
Storyline & script – Keren Klimovsky
Costume – Leif Persson
Light design – Imre Zsibrik
With support from: Barnens scen, Kulturrådet, Region Skåne, Malmö stad


”Atmospherics” is an immersive sound experience with two musicians, spoken word, dynamic visuals and an interactive element for the audience. During the show the audience-members become gradually more and more engaged in the musical process by contributing with their own sound-making, and towards the end they create and perform a musical piece together with the artists. Examples of musical concepts explored together with the audience are the transformation of non-musical sounds like clapping and heartbeat into music and the manipulation of sound by loop machines and live electronics.
Visuals are a part of the immersive experience: the music stations are highlighted by light and projections, while the musical pieces are accompanied by animations that are projected on a transparent screen and by a light design that makes the musicians behind the screen seem like a part of the projections.
Recommended ages: 8-14
Premiere: Barnens Scen, 2021
Starring – Zofia William Åsenlöf (voice, live electronics) and Elias Faingersh (trombone, live electronics)
Light design – Imre Zsibrik
Sound design – Frank Filipetti
Visual projections – Jenny Filipetti
With support from: Barnens scen, Unga musik syd, Kulturrådet, Malmö stad

Fotograf – Ralph Andersson

Fotograf – Imre Zsibrik
An interactive musical adventure for children and their parents

Ages 4-99
With the help of interactive animation projected on the screen, the audience are invited to board a fantasy train and embark on a fun, mesmerising journey, while participating in the creation of the musical landscape together with the artist Elias Faingersh and his magical trombone, which sounds like an entire orchestra with the help of live electronics.
The show was developed and workshopped at Barnens Scen and had its premiere in November, 2019 at Victoria Teater (Malmo). The show quickly became a hit, playing over 100 shows all over Sweden in 2020-2022.
Starring – Elias Faingersh
Concept and story board – Keren Klimovsky
Music – Elias Faingersh
Animation – Ralph Andersson & Victoria Ostrovsky
With support from: Barnens scen, Kulturrådet, Unga musik syd